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Livro - Atlas De Ortodontia Complexa - Nanda
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Livro - Atlas De Ortodontia Complexa - Nanda

Livro - Atlas De Ortodontia Complexa - Nanda

SKU 9788535286083
ISBN 9788535286083|Edição 1|Ano 2017|Idioma Português|Autor Nanda|Páginas 424|Encadernação Brochura|Disponibilidade Entrega Imediata para 01 unidade

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"ECTION 1: VERTICAL PROBLEMS Chapter 1: Management of Patients with Deep Bite Case 1-1. Incisor intrusion for the excessive gingival display Case 1-2. Intrusion arch for levelling the mandibular Curve of Spee Case 1-3. Increase of the vertical dimension with implants and midline correction with a mini-plate in a patient with a multiple missing teeth Case 1-4. Deep bite correction with anterior bite stops Case 1-5. Combined orthognathic surgery, orthodontics, and prosthodontics in a severe brachifacial pattern Chapter 2: Management of Patients with Open Bite Case 2-1. Targeted mechanics for the correction of an anterior open bite Case 2-2. Anterior open bite correction by mini-implant assisted posterior intrusion Case 2-3. Mini- plate supported posterior intrusion with posterior acrylic plate for open bite correction Case 2-4. Correction of a Class III malocclusion with vertical excess with the Surgery First Approach Chapter 3: Management of Canted Occlusal Planes Case 3-1: Biomechanical treatment of an asymmetric open bite Chapter 4: Management of Vertical Maxillary Excess Case 4-1: Orthognathic surgery for significant vertical excess, facial convexity, and large interlabial gap SECTION 2: ANTERO-POSTERIOR PROBLEMS Chapter 5: Correction of Class I malocclusions with antero-posterior problems Case 5-1: Intrusion and retraction of the anterior maxillary teeth by means of a three piece intrusion assembly Case 5-2: Correction of bimaxillary protrusion using fiber reinforced composite for space closure Chapter 6: Non-extraction correction of Class II malocclusions Case 6-1: Anchorage control with a cantilever in an unilateral Class II malocclusion Case 6-2: Tip back-tip forward mechanics for the correction of the Class II subdivision Case 6-3: Use of a fixed functional appliance for Class II correction Case 6-4: Class II treatment with distalizing appliances followed by TADs to maintain anchorage Chapter 7: Correction of Class III malocclusions Case 7-1: Two-phase palatal mini-implant supported Class III correction Case 7-2: Mini-plate supported nonextraction Class III correction Case 7-3: Unilateral mandibular premolar extraction for midline correction and unilateral maxillary canine substitution Case 7-4: Conventional orthognathic surgery in a severe Class III malocclusion SECTION 3: TRANSVERSE PROBLEMS Chapter 8: Correction of Maxillary Constriction Case 8-1: Maxillary expansion and stop advance wire for the correction of a mild Class III malocclusion Case 8-2: Bidimensional distraction for maxillary unitlateral crossbite and canine retraction Chapter 9: Correction of Midline Discrepancy Case 9-1: Correction of a canted maxillary incisal plane with different approaches to a one couple system SECTION 4: IMPACTED TEETH Chapter 10: Management of impacted canines Case 10-1: Maxillary impacted canine and anterior restorations for microdontic lateral incisors Case 10-2: Cantilever based eruption of impacted maxillary canines Case 10-3: Eruption of maxillary impacted canines and mandibular second premolar with cantilever mechanics Case 10-4: Use of lip bumper for severely impacted mandibular canines Chapter 11: Management of Impacted Second Molars Case 11-1: Molar uprighting of severely mesioangulated mandibular second molars SECTION 5: MULTIDISCIPLINARY TREATMENT Chapter 12: Full Mouth Rehabilitation Case 12-1: Restoration of a mutilated dentition with preprosthetic TADs to intrude the mandibular dentition Chapter 13: Management of Missing Maxillary Lateral Incisors Case 13-1: Unilateral canine impaction with maxillary canine substitution Case 13-2: Multidisciplinary approach of multiple missing teeth with bone grafts and endosseous implants Chapter 14: Management of Missing Molars with Orthodontic Space Closure"


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